“Language is not our first language.”
– Tom Spanbauer
I didn’t used to consider music to be all that “creative.”
As a whippersnapper studying classical piano, I wondered: What’s so creative about playing scales? What’s inventive about learning music theory? Doing arpeggios until my forearms ached? I wasn’t inventing anything new; I was just repeating what someone else had created.
So sometimes, just for fun and instead of actually practicing, I'd sit there and make shit up. Experiment with different sounds. Let my mind wander and fingers meander, following my moods as the dreamy subconscious let loose on the dance floor the disciplined mind had built.
Putting in time as a music student led me to understand that hard work, nerves, deadlines, skills development and exposure to other artists are necessary for creativity to thrive. It also helped me find the courage to take up the violin in my early-forties knowing, knowing that no one ever died from a wrong note.
Cricket & Claw
I’m Cricket, the fiddler in this fiddle/banjo duo, and my bestie Andrea Purton is Claw on the claw hammer banjo. We love the trance vibe of old-time traditional fiddle music and bluegrass. And share it with others whenever possible.
Follow us on Instagram for details about our next gig. Or, reach out if you’d like us to play at your celebration, wedding, or any gathering of people who enjoy great music.
Sea to Sky Orchestra
The Sea to Sky Orchestra is a group of Pemberton, Whistler and Squamish musicians dedicated to sharing our love of classical music. I play second violin, and we gather weekly to rehearse and blend our instrument voices to create our best versions of classical string pieces.
Follow us on Instagram for information on upcoming performances.