Let’s Work Together
I am here to SUPPORT you, at whatever stage of the writing process you are.
Whether you’re just starting out with a writing project, have a manuscript you need feedback on, or are trying to reignite your creativity, I’d love to work with you.
The But Kicker
You’d like to finish your novel or short story collection, BUT can’t seem to find the time or motivation? BUT you’re struggling with characters/theme/plot elements? BUT you need direction and accountability?
Enroll in The But Kicker and stomp on your excuses. This three-month course is designed to meet your specific needs, writing style, goals and timetable.
The But Kicker features:
developmental edits
detailed written feedback
suggestions on theme, character development, point of view, voice, pacing, dialogue and more
three 45-minute consultations via zoom, phone. (One per month of the course.)
readings / assignments as appropriate
suggestions on paths to publication
You’ll be expected to submit approximately 3000-4000 words per month. This might be new writing, or chapters/stories you’ve already drafted.
Fee: $600
Intake is ongoing, starting on the first of each month, on an availability basis. Click below to arrange an initial consultation, or email me at tap.in@katherinefawcett.com.
Sure - the literary process is a mostly a solitary endeavour.
Who but a writer would be tucked away in a cabin deep in the woods?
On a houseboat with one round window and an endless supply of tea?
Holed up in a small apartment room without visitors or distractions?
(Okay, perhaps a hermit, a fugitive, or a psychopath. But I like to think it’s probably a writer.)
However, even the most solitary wordsmith benefits from connection and human inspiration at some point.
I’m talking about community.
I rely on several wise individuals to bounce ideas off, help push me when I’m feeling stuck, give feedback on my manuscripts and provide another perspective. These literary angels are my writing community, and they frequently drag my wordy ass out of the mire and point me in the right direction. I trust them. They help me stay on track and ask all the right questions.
If you are looking for support in your writing journey, reach out.
Join a Tap In Creativity Retreat for Writers.
Enroll in The But Kicker course
Sign up for an on-line workshop. The next one is March 24, 2025, on special techniques to amp up your writing.
Contact me for a manuscript evaluation, for developmental edits.
Sign up for my newsletter The Tap and get info on writing seminars, publishing opportunities, special events, book reviews, writing tips and contests. (And music news!)